Client Management System

  • Client Menu
  • Update Profile
  • Program Summary / Renewal
  • Assessment Entry
  • Edit Assessments
  • Individual Training
  • MyFitnessPal
  • Documents & Reports
  • Metatyping Questionnaire & Report
  • Metabolic Typing Recommendations
  • Metabolic Burn Chart
  • Introductory Reports
  • Assessment Reports
  • Dietary Review
  • Saved Documents
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Medical Clearance Form

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Metabolic Typing Recommendations

Previous Metabolic Typing Recommendations

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Verify PTAs

Trainer Client PTA Number PV Numbers Training Log Number
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Verify Training Sessions

No Date Program Trainer Remarks
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Verify Payment Vouchers

Trainer Client PV Amount Sessions Assts Due Date
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Verify Assessments

Assessor Training Log No Client Date Rating Level Rating
Application Error

Master Claim Form

Pinnacle Fitness Master Claim Form
PT Claims
Log No. Client Lesson No's Head Trainer Hours Assts Hourly Rate Total
Application Error
Monthly Total

Introductory Reports

Trainer Client Date Remarks
Application Error

Mid Assessment Reports

Trainer Client Date
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Fitness Appraisal Reports

Trainer Client Date
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Dietary Review Reports

Trainer Client Date
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Nothing to do here. :)

Users List

No Real Name User Type Commission Rate
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Locations List

No Location
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Programs List

No Program
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Clients' Goals List

No Goal
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Clients List

No Name Used Sessions Expiry Date
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Personal Information

Training Guidelines

Payment Voucher

Training Log

No Date Program Duration Calories Avg HR Trainer Remarks
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Update Client Profile

New Metabolic Typing Questionnaire

Previous Metabolic Typing Questionnairies

No Date Status
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New Metabolic Burn Chart


Previous Metabolic Burn Charts

No Dates Status
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New Introductory Report

Previous Introductory Reports

No Date Status
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New Assessment Report

Previous Assessment Reports

No Type Date Status
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Edit Dietary Review

Type Recommendation Actual Benefits
Daily Calorie Intake
Carbohydrates Less than % %
Fat Less than % %
Protein More than % %
Cholesterol mg mg
Sodium Less than 1500mg mg
Sugars Less than 40g g
Fibre At least g g

New Dietary Review

Type Recommendation Actual Benefits
Daily Calorie Intake
Carbohydrates Less than % %
Fat Less than % %
Protein More than % %
Cholesterol mg mg
Sodium Less than 1500mg mg
Sugars Less than 40g g
Fibre At least g g

Previous Dietary Reviews

No Date Status
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Upload Document

Previously Uploaded Documents

No Name Date
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Edit Assessment Report

Client Program

No Training Log No Date Payment Voucher PTA
1 Application Error Application Error Application Error view

Client Renewal

Training Guidelines

Payment Voucher

Payment Voucher

ProgramRateNoSub Total
PT HoursPer HourNoSub Total
DetailsChargeNoSub Total
PV NumberTotal ChargedDue Date

Assessment Entry

Personal Details
Name :
Date of Birth
Head Trainer

Test Details

Result Rating
Body Composition
Body Fat Rating
Body Fat (kg)
Lean Mass (kg)
Waist to Hip Ratio
Flexibility Measurement Level Pinnacle Rating
Strength/Power Weight Reps 1RM
Abdominal Score Level Pinnacle Rating
Upper Body Score Level Pinnacle Rating
Balance EO EC
Cardiovascular Min Hr Rating Heart Rate
Cardio Score Cardio Rating Pinnacle Rating

Edit Assessments

Training Log No Date Rating
Application Error

Edit Individual Training Data

Individual Training

Previous Entries

Date Duration Calories Avg Hr

Edit My Fitness Pal Data Entry

My Fitness Pal Data Entry

Previous Entries

Date Recommended Calories Carbohydrate Fat Protein Cholesterol Sodium Sugars Fibre

Personal Training Agreement

Personal Details
Application Error
I.C / Passport No
Application Error
Date of Birth
Application Error
Application Error
Application Error
Application Error
Application Error
Mobile Number
Application Error
Congratulation on taking this step to improve your health & fitness.
Please tick either yes or no to each of the following questions. Yes No
1. Has your doctor ever informed you that you have a heart condition and that you should
only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
2. Do you feel chest pains when you do any physical activity?
3. In the past month, have you had chest pains when you were not doing any physical activity?
4. Do you lose your balance due to dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?
5. Do you have a bone or joint problem (including your back) that could be aggravated by physical activity?
6. Has your doctor informed you that you have high blood pressure?
7. has your doctor informed you that you have high cholesterol?
8. Is your doctor currently prescribing you medication for any of the following?
If yes,
9. Do you have diabetes?
If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, we will need a signed medical clearance letter from
your doctor or specialist. Please speak with your trainer prior to commencement of your program.
10. Is there a history of heart disease, stroke or high cholesterol in your family?
11. Do you or have you smoked cigarettes /cigars/pipes(previously)?
If you have answered YES or PREVIOUSLY,indicate the number of years you have been smoking:
& .
If previously,
13. Do you suffer from asthma?
14. Do you or have you had a stomach or duodenal ulcer?
15. Do you or have you had a liver or kidney condition?
16. Do you suffer from epilepsy?
17. Do you have arthritis?
18. Do you have a hernia?
19. Have you been hospitalised or undergone surgery in tne past 12 months?
20. Do you drink alcohol?
If you have answered YES, how many days per week do you drink alcohol?
How many drinks do you consume each time?
(1 standard drink is equivalent to 1 middy of full strength beer, 1 glass of wine or 1 nip of spirits.)
The above information has been (completed/reviewed) by me and is true and correct.

Training Guidelines

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Update Program

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Update Clients' Goal

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D O N ' T   P A N I C   : )